Dr. Kimberly Butler
Blue Line Wellness is located in Monroe County, New York. I have worked with, and alongside, law enforcement for years and am so grateful to have been allowed to share space in your world. Those incidents you try to forget about…scenes you wish you could mentally erase…and calls you cannot stop seeing in your mind can weigh you down. Carrying all that around every day would get heavy for anyone. In order to keep climbing towards a healthy retirement, it is necessary to find a way to lessen that mental load. Don’t let this job bring you down.

I see law enforcement officers on a contractual basis with their departments.Â
This depends. Annual wellness visits are designed to be between 45-60 minutes. When follow up visits are requested by the officer, those visits can vary in length depending on need.
Departments contract with Blue Line Wellness to cover the cost of the visits where there is no out of pocket cost for the officers.
Departments who are mandating annual visits utilize a form for me to sign verifying the date of the visit. The only information relayed is that the officer attended. For follow-up visits, requested by the officer, the department is billed for the visit but not given the name, date, or any details of the visit.Â
The cost varies based on location/ travel and number of hours or days.Â
I see law enforcement officers on a contractual basis with their departments.Â
This depends. Annual wellness visits are designed to be between 45-60 minutes. When follow up visits are requested by the officer, those visits can vary in length depending on need.
Departments contract with Blue Line Wellness to cover the cost of the visits where there is no out of pocket cost for the officers.
Departments who are mandating annual visits utilize a form for me to sign verifying the date of the visit. The only information relayed is that the officer attended. For follow-up visits, requested by the officer, the department is billed for the visit but not given the name, date, or any details of the visit.Â
The cost varies based on location/ travel and number of hours or days.Â